Snowboarders and skiers, while different in many ways, share the same passion and excitement for their sport. They love the freedom to explore, they look for innovative teaching programs and special events and they want the best value for their hard-earned money.
Snowboarders have found the best of these worlds at a place formerly reserved for skiers, Killington, Vermont. Voted one of the top ten resorts in the world by SKIING MAGAZINE, the central Vermont resort offers a large diversity of snowboard terrain--75 miles and 918 acres spread across six interconnected mountains and nine separate mountain areas. And with 20 high-capacity lifts, boarders can expect to spend most of the day on the slopes.
Killington opens for riding in early October and closes in early June, boasting the East's longest snowboard season. You may need that much time to enjoy every bit of it. The resort maintains many amenities for boarders, including a specially designed, world-class halfpipe at Snowdon Mountain and a 1300-foot snowboard park at Bear Mountain. The halfpipe is kept in superb condition throughout the season with the use of the Pipe Dragon groomer.
Killington also supports a five-person snowboard freestyle team, hosts regional and national competitions, offers daily classes and private lessons for all ability riders plus periodic snowboard-specific development and training programs. "Killington has made great strides in offering snowboarders more than great terrain and lift access," said Brett Smith, the East's only full-time, year-round snowboard coordinator, hired to help Killington meet the needs of the growing number of snowboarders. "While size and terrain diversity are the chief assets here, we offer riders a lot more--from special events and programs, to our park and halfpipe."
Events coming up this season include the following: School For Snowboard Instructors, Women's Snowboard Clinics, Snowboard Race Week, College Snowboard Week, USSA-sanctioned half-pipe and giant slalom competitions, East Coast Bordercross Series Championship, Sunday Pipe Jams, Snowboard Bump-off and Spring Loaded Pro-Am.
The lighthearted Sunday Pipe Jams are tentatively scheduled to begin in December. Riders can showcase their exciting maneuvers to the sounds of music as a special stereo system will be positioned outside the halfpipe.
The College Snowboard Week (January 8-12) will feature the Collegiate National Championships (halfpipe and giant slalom) and Collegiate Snowboard Conference. Sponsored by the Boston University Snowboard Team, the latter will bring together snowboard clubs and organizations from across the country to discuss the future of collegiate snowboarding.
The two-and three-day Women's Snowboard Clinics, scheduled four times during the winter, are geared for women interested in learning to snowboard or to improve their skills. The popular clinics are taught by female instructors from the Killington Snowboard School.
The third annual Spring Loaded Pro-Am (April 20-21) is one of the East's best-attended two-day snowboard competitions, attracting top riders from Maine to California. Riders compete for cash and prizes at Killington's half-pipe and snowboard park.
Mountain Biking
The mountain biking action video has been excerpted from the first release in the ExtremeSeries of action sports CD-ROM's from 21st Century Media(TM) - 'Singletrak Mind' interactive mountain bike CD-ROM, for Macintosh & MPC Level 2 PC compatibles.
Let Dave Wiens (1993 National Champion) and Susan De Mattei (five times U.S. Team Member) show you techniques, tips and training that makes a champion mountain bike competitor. You'll also learn to improve your own riding whether for competition or just for pleasure. Experience the action of dual-slalom, cyclocross and downhill racing with Paul Watson (British Champion and Tour De France Competitor). Look through the lens of one of the world's top bike photographers, David Epperson, as he captures the men and women who pioneered mountain biking, and as he travels the world capturing spectacular scenery on film. For tips on correct posture and riding technique, Dr. Douglas Ehrenberg (podiatrist & bike fit specialist for the US Olympic Cycling Team) gives his expert advice.
'Singletrak Mind' is educational and breathtaking to watch, as it seemlessly combines invaluable instructional films and action-packed sports footage of Logan Kelsey, former National Cross Country Competitor.
Look out for future titles in the ExtremeSeries of action sports CD-ROM's from 21st Century Media and visit their ExtremeSeries World Wide Web home page on the Internet at